Bangladeshi Voice for Solidarity and Peace: Reflection on Recent Terrorist Attacks

Please see below for a message from the consulate of Bangladesh:

As you know,  on July 01, 2016, people of Bangladesh and the world community witnessed the deadliest terrorist attacks in a cafe in Dhaka and a few days later, in a gathering of holy Eid festival at the northern district of Bangladesh that claimed 26 innocent lives and injured many. In memory of the victims, we will gather at a condolence ceremony on Saturday, July 23, 2016. I am expecting our community leaders, state officials and representatives from diplomatic community to attend the event.

Program details:

Date: Saturday, July 23, 2016   Time: 2 pm - 4 pm

Venue: Budlong Woods Library
5630 N Lincoln Ave,
Chicago, IL

To RSVP, email:
Monir Choudhury                                                      
Honorary Consul of Bangladesh, Chicago, IL
Or Ph: 773-443-8647