J-1 Scholar Transfer Out Request

This form is for current J-1 Scholars at UChicago. Submit this form to request your J-1 Scholar SEVIS record be transfered to a different institution. You and the Transfer Institution's J-1 Adviser will be provided updates on this request. Please review the J-1 Transfer elgibility:

  • Must be Active in J-1 program
  • Must have time remaining in J-1 status:
    • Research Scholar/Professor: 5 years maximum participation
    • Short-Term Scholar: 6 months maximum participation
    • Specialist: 1 year maximum particpation
  • Research or teaching field at new institution must correspond to current "Subject/Field Code Remarks".
  • Must have legitimate offer from Transfer Institution.
  • 212e waiver not initiatied
Reminder: there can be no gaps between your end date at UChicago and start date at the transfer institution.
Provide the email address of your J-1 adviser or international office at the Transfer Institution. We will include them on all communication relating to this transfer.
You will need to contact your J-1 adviser at the new institution to confirm their J-1 program number.
If you are resigning from your position early, upload a copy of your resignation letter.
Upload a copy of the offer letter you received from the transfer institution.
We are required to review the details of the prospective role to determine whether the position qualifies for the SEVIS transfer.