New Feature: Updates on Presidential Executive Orders Affecting Immigration

Recent Presidential Executive Orders on immigration have caused concern among international students and scholars, their families, and their faculty and departments. To facilitate communication and provide one site for updates from the University as well as relevant news items from elsewhere, we are providing a special webpage "Updates on Presidential Executive Orders Affecting Immigration" listed prominently in the navigation bar on the left. Please visit this page often as we anticipate adding to its content frequently.

The recently issued Executive Orders and the injunctions issued by federal judges leave many questions unanswered. Please be reminded that OIA is prepared to discuss your questions and to assist you in your immigration-related planning. We encourage you to contact us at or 773.702.7752 to make an appointment with your international student or scholar adviser. We offer in-person and Skype appointments and will be glad to speak with you over the phone or communicate via e-mail. We will be happy to assist you!