Understanding the U.S. Immigration System

Dear International Students and Scholars,

In a recent message I promised to continue providing as much information as possible in answer to the many questions you have been raising.  I also indicated that part of the answer lies in an understanding of the processes involved in framing immigration and immigration-related law and regulations. 

The link below takes you to a video from mid-October of this year and is of Professor Stephen Yale-Loehr making a presentation at Cornell University. He is a prominent immigration attorney who has given expert testimony before the U.S. Congress and serves as a  professor of the Cornell Law School. He gave this presentation at Cornell in response to questions from students and scholars there. 

The video presentation (click to open) is quite comprehensive and I hope you will find it helpful.  Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.  Please e-mail international-affairs@uchicago.edu or call 773.702.7752 to make an appointment to speak with an adviser in person, over Skype or by phone.  Of course, we also welcome your e-mailed questions. 

With warm regards,
