The J-1 5 Point Letter

When foreign scholars come to the University to conduct research or to teach, the status they hold in the United States is typically that of Exchange Visitor, also referred to as J-1 status. To certify someone's eligibility for J-1 status, the University issues Form DS-2019.

In addition to a Form DS-2019, to comply with immigration law, foreign physicians coming to the US to conduct non-clinical research in J-1 status must also present a letter confirming that their activities will not include patient contact. This letter is referred to as the five point letter, because of the five statements at the bottom of the letter, directed to the visa officer examining the documentation.

The letter must contain the prospective J-1 status holder's signature, affirming compliance with University policies; the signature of the faculty supervisor, affirming that these policies will be enforced; and a statement for the visa officer based on language contained in federal regulations.

Please see the 5-point letter here.