Details for Attorneys

Type of Business

Date Established 1892
Current Number of Employees 9,500
Gross Annual Income Not for Profit
Net Annual Income Not for Profit
NAICS Code 611310
The University is not an H-1B dependent employer.

To obtain the EIN, please contact the OIA Director (see contact information below).

EAR/ITAR Certification

The University recognizes that individual law firms may be capable of determining whether or not an export license may be needed when filing an H-1B petition on behalf of the University. However, to ensure consistency in the process, all such determinations will be made by the University.  Therefore, hiring departments are required to complete the EAR/ITAR certification document and submit it to the Office of International Affairs (OIA). Once OIA receives the certification document, we will advise the relevant law firm on how to answer Part 6 on Form I-129.

Should you have any questions about these procedures or any other matter regarding your filing on behalf of the University of Chicago, please don't hesitate to contact us via e-mail to or by calling (773) 702-7752.